"Discover The Incredible Inside ‘Shortcut’ Secrets Of A Multi-Million Dollar Interior Designer On How To Build Your Very Own Massively Profitable Interior Design Business… "
Dear Fellow Interior Designer,

After 25 years in the interior design industry, I’m ready to reveal my time-tested, proven formulas for building your confidence, getting more clients and making a 6 and 7 figure income.

If you’ve struggled to start your business or if you’re finding it hard to make ends meet, then I want you to read very carefully…

It’s not your fault...

There’s MUCH more to a successful, thriving interior design business than just knowing how to coordinate colors. This is a business! And unless you are shown the in's and out's of running a money-making business – well, let’s just say its no wonder so many students coming out of those expensive design schools never get off the ground and have to go back to work in some office.

This can be a tough industry to make money in – unless you know the “insider” secrets I’m going to reveal to you.

Even if you have absolutely NO business experience...

In fact, in just a few short weeks (perhaps even less!),
you can be pulling in huge profits as an in-demand interior designer …once you know the secrets.


..Operating your own money-making home-based business using your natural creativity

...Attracting the type of clients that are more than happy to pay you a minimum of $500 an hour (And they do it eagerly)

...The confidence you’ll feel because you're truly financially independent

...The relief of knowing you’re safe because you’re debt free with tens of thousands of dollars just sitting in your bank account

...Easily having enough money to invest so you can retire early

What the design schools can’t (and won’t) tell you about is how to really make money in this business

Almost every design school trying to teach you the business of interior design is doing it dead wrong! For the past 21 years, I’ve seen an ongoing and consistent problem…

You come fresh out of design school and still don’t know how to make money or have any real business skills!

It’s scary.

Maybe you studied design because you love creating amazing living spaces full of color, texture and beauty. You’re passionate about transforming environments from dreary “prisons” into vibrant, living expressions of your vision…and you deserve to get paid for your talents, right?

The sad truth is, you spend thousands of dollars and years of your life learning the fundamentals of design, drafting and color – but you walk away with no knowledge on how to make money doing what you love.

If you’re struggling to pay your bills as a designer, you’re not alone.

It’s tragic. I can’t stand to see it – and I see it all the time.

What good is it if you know how to coordinate curtains yet you can’t...

- Read a Profit and Loss statement?

- Choose the right bookkeeper?

- Market yourself and get high paying clients? It gets worse…

The cost of design schools is extremely expensive. So unless you have the ability to pay your bills afterwards – you’ll be in the hole for thousands and thousands of dollars for years to come. You start your new business venture already burdened and carrying a heavy debt!

All that money you invested, all the time it took you to learn your craft, is wasted because you can’t use it if you don’t know how to make money.

You’ll wind up totally frustrated because if you can’t think like a business owner, you can’t get clients. And if you can’t get clients, you’ll be forced to quit your business because you can’t pay your bills.

I’m sorry to be blunt here, but even if you’re a great designer, if you never learn the essential, time-proven skills of running a successful business, you’ll have to stop designing – even though you LOVE it.

Here are just a few of the important things you will learn…
One Hour Lecture "Make Money as a Designer"
Digital Download

"9 Secrets That Make You Money As An Interior Designer " package isn't everything you were expecting, and all my tips and resources don't produce the results you were looking for.
9 Secrets that make you money as a designer

"9 Secrets That Make You Money As An Interior Designer " package isn't everything you were expecting, and all my tips and resources don't produce the results you were looking for.
Interior Design Success Workbook

Interior Designer Bobi Leonard has been an interior designer for over 30 years in Malibu, California. In this workbook, Bobi shares all her resources to help you become an extraordinary interior designer.
5 Major Mistakes of Websites

7 Key Marketing Strategies

Learn from my “in-the-trenches experiences” so you don’t have to burn through tens of thousands of dollars making the same mistakes I did

I mean look at me…

Back in the day (I won’t say when :-), I just hung out at the beach – no clue what to do with my life. All I knew was I loved designing things. I had a knack for creativity. Do you know that feeling? When you know you’re passionate about something – yet you don’t know how to make a good living from it?

I realized being a poor kid that I didn’t want to be poor anymore. I quickly learned that money is power and can be used in a good way – especially when you are making a positive difference in other people’s lives.

Quite frankly, I started my “business education” by making lots of mistakes. In the first 6 months that I tried to be a designer, I realized that I wasn’t aware of the 3 concepts I mentioned earlier:

How to get clients How to ask for what I was worth What to do with the money once I got it I loved what I did – but I was working 13 - 15 hours a day and I was clueless as for what to do with the little money coming in. I was working too hard – I wasn’t working smart. And I never watched my expenses. I just floundered.

After one year, I’ll be honest here, I prayed. I said, “God, you have to help me here. I don’t know what I’m doing." And suddenly I got it…

I realized that I had to start thinking like a business owner – not just a designer. I had to do whatever it took to focus on the business end of things. This means, you have to learn what money can do for you as you make it. Otherwise you’ll drive yourself to the ground – exhausted and never really successful.

I knew I had to get a mentor to teach me the secrets of making money. I was fortunate to be mentored by Fred Segal and Don Sterling. It was only after these two amazing men showed me the ropes that my business turned around. They believed in me.